Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PWA essay

Do you every think that you are going to give up on  your life or future. The book I've been reading is about slavery  and how slaves get abused. The book is called Kindred and there are two main characters and they are named Dana and Rufus. The main part of the book is that Dana is going to be transporting so she can save Rufus. In the book Kindred Rufus's time period is the 1800's and Dana's time period is the 1900's. Octavia Butler's main message is that people should think for themselves instead to conforming to other people's expectations. 
     My first reason that can back up my thesis is when Rufus is making Dana call him master in front of his father Tom Weylin. An quote is when in The Fire pg.25 when Rufus call Dana a nigga and she calls him master Rufe. An example is when people threatening other people for no reason. My explanation for this is how when a couple have arguments and the man has to leave or go sleep in the couch. A connection I have is when my cousin parents were arguing and 3 days later they were divorced. It is not okay when people have to follow what other people command them to do.
    My second reason that can back up mt thesis is when Dana was teaching Nigel how to read and Tom Weylin catches them in the cookhouse. A quote in the book is The Fall pgs.105 to 107 is when Dana doesn't care if Tom catches her. An example is when people take pills so they won't care what people are doing to them at all. My explanation is when a girl is about to get raped and she takes that pill and she doesn't know what they are doing to her. This connects to my main message is how when people should think for themselves and think of something to do not just give themselves up. A connection I have is when I watched a movie and these soldiers were going to rape a little teenage girl because she was feisty so they made her get that pill. Its not okay women s don't care about themselves.
     My last reason that can back up my thesis is when Rufus rapes Alice and he knows that she is going to get married with Issac. A quote from the book is The Fight pgs.122 to 123 when Issac fights with Rufus and about to kill him. An example is when men rape women and they think oh the women s want that. An explanation is when a male is about to rape her and he doesn't think about what he's doing. A connection I have is when I heard in the news women are raped in the streets and people don't really care whats happening. It is wrong for men to touch women if they are not asked to. 
      Octavia Butler's main message is that people should think for themselves instead of conforming to other people's expectations. I think what should happen know is that people should think for themselves and don't let other people take advantage of you. My advice to the world  is that people should take care of themselves and make thoughtful decisions.  My final point is not to let people take advantage of you or others people expectations. "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year .It is that we should have a new soul, by Gilbert Keith Chesterton.   

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